Winter Session Dates: Jan 13 - Mar 8
Spring Session Dates: Mar 17 - May 17 ⭐️ Registration for Winter Session 2025 is CLOSED.
⭐️ Interested in seeing our gym, call or email to request a brief tour. ⭐️ Inside parent seating is available! ⭐️ We now offer gift certificates on our parent portal! You do not need your own parent account to give your favorite gymnast a treat. Click here for more info! |
- Jan 20: GYM CLOSED for MLK day
- Feb 24: Registration for our Spring Session opens - Feb 24 - 28: Testing Week for Recreational Gymnasts - Mar 24 - 29: GYM CLOSED for Spring Break - May 16 - 18: Annual Spring Recital - June 9 - 13: Recreational Summer Camp (Registration is now OPEN!) - June 16 - 29: Team Summer Camp |
As a reminder, our 2025 Annual Spring Recital will be held on the weekend of May 16-18, and ALL gymnasts who enroll in the Spring Session are expected to participate. The Recital fee ($140) is separate from tuition, and it is due by March 22. Please visit our recital tab for more information.
♦️ Parent seating is available! However, it is limited. If you choose to spectate, please remove your shoes before entering into the carpeted areas, ensure that all other spectating children remain off the equipment, and no food/drink is allowed inside the gym (except water).
♦️ For classes, female gymnasts will need to wear a leotard with or without tight-fitting shorts, they cannot wear anything that reveals their midriff, and male gymnasts will need to wear athletic shorts and a t-shirt that can be tucked in. Male gymnasts may also wear a gymnastics competition shirt/singlet.
♦️ Gymnasts are not allowed to wear jewelry. This includes stud earrings and fabric bracelets. Jewelry is a danger to the gymnast and the coaches, and it can cause damage to the equipment.
♦️ Please do NOT park or sit in the alleyway or under the awning while you wait to pick up your child. You may park in our main lot or either of the grass lots across from Ingrid's Gymnastics.
♦️ For classes, female gymnasts will need to wear a leotard with or without tight-fitting shorts, they cannot wear anything that reveals their midriff, and male gymnasts will need to wear athletic shorts and a t-shirt that can be tucked in. Male gymnasts may also wear a gymnastics competition shirt/singlet.
♦️ Gymnasts are not allowed to wear jewelry. This includes stud earrings and fabric bracelets. Jewelry is a danger to the gymnast and the coaches, and it can cause damage to the equipment.
♦️ Please do NOT park or sit in the alleyway or under the awning while you wait to pick up your child. You may park in our main lot or either of the grass lots across from Ingrid's Gymnastics.
Guidelines at Our Gym
The health and wellbeing of our gymnasts and the communities in which they live are of the utmost importance to all of us here at Ingrid's Gymnastics. The following guidelines will be implemented in order to protect our gymnasts and coaches from any and all contagious diseases, to protect them from injury, to maintain our equipment, and to provide a safe and fun environment for all who use our facilities:
- Female gymnasts will need to wear a leotard with or without tight-fitting shorts, they should not wear anything that bares their midriff, and male gymnasts will need to wear athletic shorts and a t-shirt that can be tucked in. Male gymnasts may also wear a gymnastics competition shirt/unitard.
- We ask that parents act responsibly by keeping children at home who are exhibiting signs of any illness or who have been exposed to anyone who is exhibiting signs of any illness. Any gymnasts or coaches with flu, strep or COVID symptoms will be sent home. In addition, any gymnasts or coaches exhibiting signs of stomach flu, pink eye, poison ivy or any other contagious disease or condition will be sent home.
- COVID: Regardless of vaccination status, we require all gymnasts and coaches to quarantine for 5 days and provide a negative test on (or after) the 5th day before returning to the gym after a positive COVID test, exposure to someone who tests positive for COVID, or if someone in the household tests positive for COVID.
- Flu: We require gymnasts and coaches to quarantine and be symptom-free for 3 days after a positive diagnosis for the flu, exposure to someone who has a positive diagnosis for the flu, or if someone in the household has a positive diagnosis for the flu.
- Strep Throat: If taking a prescribed antibiotic, we require gymnasts and coaches to quarantine and be symptom-free for 1 day (24 hours) after a positive diagnosis for strep throat. If NOT taking a prescribed antibiotic, we require gymnasts and coaches to quarantine and be symptom-free for 5 days after a positive diagnosis for strep throat. We require gymnasts and coaches to quarantine and be symptom-free for 5 days after exposure to someone who has a positive diagnosis for strep throat, or if someone in the household has a positive diagnosis for strep throat.
- If your child is missing class because we require them to quarantine for one of the above reasons, please let us know by email, and we will add them to the makeup class list, regardless of of whether or not you take them to a doctor.
- Upon entry, all gymnasts and coaches will have their temperature checked. Everyone will be required to sanitize/wash their hands throughout class.
- A limited number of parents, guardians or siblings will be allowed to watch their gymnasts from inside the gym at this time. We do not currently have an abundance of unused space inside the gym, so we ask that you alternate with other parents if you notice the indoor seating is full each week. When it is full, you will need to either wait in the car for the duration of class, leave and come back, or utilize our outdoor seating (large window views) at the back of our gym where parents may sit, as long as they follow gym guidelines and show respect for other parents and families. **Please be sure to observe ONLY while inside the gym. We ask that you do not interfere with your child's class in any way. In addition, please do not take your child out of the class or the building without letting his or her coach know.**
- Gymnasts will need to bring a bag with a water bottle and hand sanitizer. Each item, including the bag itself, should be clearly marked with his or her name. The bag should be large enough to fit their shoes and any outerwear they have on when they come inside. *PLEASE NOTE: The water fountains may not be functional during this time.*
- The parent/guardian with Koalas must wear socks.
- Gymnasts are not allowed to wear jewelry. This includes stud earrings and fabric bracelets. Jewelry is a danger to the gymnast and the coaches, and it can cause damage to the equipment. Even stud earrings can be easily ripped out while participating in gymnastics, and that is not something we want your child to experience.
- Your gymnast should not be more than 10 minutes early for his or her class, and you must be here on time to pick up your gymnast. A $15 late fee will be assessed for every 15 minutes your gymnast remains at the gym after his/her class ends. A timely pick up is important for us to be able to properly clean and prepare between classes.
- Any parents/family members still on site 10 minutes after the gym closes will also be assessed a late fee. We close and lock the gates upon closing, and we cannot leave the premises while non-employees are still on-site.
- Makeup classes are only granted with a doctor's excuse or when Ingrid's Gymnastics closes the gym for inclement weather. All approved makeup classes must be scheduled through the front desk.
- Any fees not paid by their due date will result in the assessment of a $10 late fee.